Problem description
The *.grd files are obtained from different sources, and of time only contain a rectangle area which is smaller than the area of interest.
Moreover, the *.grd format is not commonly used under QGIS/ArcGIS environment.
Moreover, the *.grd format is not commonly used under QGIS/ArcGIS environment.
To deal with
- Convert grd(s) to tif(s), set projection - use gdalwarp
- Merge tif(s) - use arcpy or arcgis toolbox "Mosaic To New Raster (Data Management)"
- Set nodata value on new tif - use gdalwarp
for %%i in (*.grd) do ( gdalwarp -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:3826 -t_srs EPSG:3826 -tr 1 -1 -ot float32 %%i ../bsn1010tif2/%%~ni.tif )
arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( input_rasters= "94194055dem.tif; 94191009dem.tif; 94191025dem.tif", output_location="E:/E_DATAEXP/D20170308020100500_PP3/_TEST_merge/bsn1010tif2", raster_dataset_name_with_extension="merge.tif", coordinate_system_for_the_raster="#", pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize="#", number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="LAST", mosaic_colormap_mode="FIRST")
gdalwarp -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:3826 -t_srs EPSG:3826 -tr 1 1 -ot float32 -srcnodata XXX -dstnodata -9999 E:/E_DATAEXP/D20170308020100500_PP3/_TEST_merge/bsn1010tif/bsn1010arc.tif